
Success in sync

Learn why companies trust Whalesync to keep their data in perfect harmony.

If Whalesync didn’t exist, we simply wouldn’t have been able to build some of these products to the same degree of capability nor achieve the same time and efficiency savings that they provide.

Corey M

Shoutout to Whalesync for making my job easier. So many game-changing use cases for content management

Braveen K

Whalesync helped us create the perfect integrations library on our website by tying Webflow & Airtable together. No one on my team has to bother me now for updates!

Vishal A

Whalesync made it easy and reliable for us to generate page from our large product integrations library.

Aaron R

Whalesync has improved our quality of life in more ways than we can count. 🙌

Kylie Davis

We rapidly established a new SEO strategy that grew organic clicks by 25% and conversions by 50%

Tom K

We opened up our website content to all team members, and are now able to launch much faster product updates, blog posts, and job offers.

Victoriano I

Whalesync has been a massive efficiency boost.

Morten K
Case Studies

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Material Security

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Safety Wing

Love at first sync

Robin B

Member since 

Love Whalesync and the team behind this! They're solving a clear tough problem for builders

Dan G

Member since 

It's a beautiful piece of technology

Samantha T

Member since 

WOW!! Been waiting for a software to come out like this for the last couple of years. Nailed it.

Frank D

Member since 

Seriously, Whalesync is just magic. My initial setup was creating & managing scenarios in Make, but man... this is just soooo much simpler with Whalesync. Thankssss

Piotr K

Member since 

Kudos to you, that's an amazing product you've built. Keep up the good work!

Abhishek K

Member since 

The best support I've ever seen in a SaaS 🙂

Gerrard L

Member since 

I'm loving Whalesync. It's already saved me dozens of hours with the data syncing between Notion and Webflow already 🙌

Anthony L

Member since 

Thanks for creating such a great tool! I’ve only been using it for a day, but so far so good! in fact, better than good!

Leon M

Member since 

Really loving WhaleSync... I'm seriously not sure what we'd do without it in our business so thanks to you and the team for it.

Joe T

Member since 

Whalesync is magic 🪄 ✨


Member since 

Whalesync is prob the best tool in the game for this job... Totally recommend it!

Corey M

Member since 

It’s incredible!…seems like such a simple concept on the surface, but after building a few projects with it now it’s turned about to be super powerful to build web app adjacent products on top of Airtable and Webflow!

Jordan H

Member since 

Super clean and easy interface, and the automapping feature is legit.

Collin B

Member since 

Whalesync changing the game for us Webflow SEO nerds 🤓🔎

Kaleem C

Member since 

Whalesync is one of the best in the business that I used recently. Zapier and Make are also good options.

Braden M

Member since 

Whalesync is a godsend

Adam E

Member since 

Its great!! Its working seamlessly.

Philipp R

Member since 

Whalesync massively simplified our backend processes! I can hardly remember how much time we had to invest without Whalesync to sync data between different backends such as Webflow, Airtable, Supabase, and other PostgreSQL databases.

Corey M

Member since 

So epic!! Can’t understate how useful and seamless Whalesync has made the experience of building large CMS projects like NoCodeSupplyCo!

Hal Z

Member since 

It's wild how established brands have such great use cases for Whalesync.

Mason P

Member since 

The investment you have been making in others as you have built the product has created an incredible reputation. (so congrats)

Piotr K

Member since 

We love your product here at Brainhub, a massive time-saver!


Member since 

As a eng heavy team, THE biggest problem using no-code tools for us has been to syncing our database automatically with external tools - and the work required to sync often end up outweighing the benefit of using a tool vs building it ourselves. Excited that you guys are solving this!

Iar R

Member since 

Whalesync helped me to grow x4 this year. Moreover, I tested 5!!! products last year with whalesync.

Josh L

Member since 

If you guys haven’t tried them yet, you gotta.

Marc C

Member since 

Syncing data between SaaS apps is a bit of a hit-and-miss affair currently but this tool makes it genuinely and shockingly seamless. We’re using it to sync Airtable to our website and the results update in near real-time.

Alex P

Member since 

Thanks for your great tool! You enable us to build extremely strong no code tools without any programming knowledge. I wish you all the best and thank you for your incredibly great work.

Colin A

Member since 

Congrats on the launch! Whalesync has been a core part of my stack alongside airtable and webflow for months now. Could not have built my project without it. Love the work and love the detailed helpful support you receive as a customer whenever it’s needed.

Neil B

Member since 

I rely completely on Whalesync to sync between Airtable and Webflow's CMS, as a means for my customers to update their own dashboards. I've been a Whalesync user for just over one year, and have been impressed with the new features that they continuously offer, some that I hadn't even considered — but now find essential. They seem hungry to always add functionality. Plus, they have been friendly and cheery from the start, offering speedy support via phone, email, and Slack. They've also constantly worked on the the syncing speed, which is now basically instant for text to being-Live on my Webflow site. And my users are uploading many images to Webflow's CMS, which are guaranteed to be much speedier to publish on Webflow than the alternatives offered by their few competitors or Make/Zapier automations. Some of those alternatives can only guarantee syncing every minute, at most — and for customers who need to see relatively instant results, Whalesync gives me peace of mind. They've even helped me with things that technically are not their responsibility. For example: helping me write Airtable formulas, to streamline the workflow from Airtable to Webflow.

Matt C

Member since 

We run a few big Webflow sites, and it could not be possible without Whalesync! It is pretty flawless, simple and once set up just takes care of it. It has become an invaluable tool for us

Justin C

Member since 

I’m really excited for this launch! Whalesync is a great product with a great team behind it. We got a sneak peek early on into their vision. There’s a huge potential here. I can’t wait to try it out.

Aron K

Member since 

Have a new emoji in my frequently used thanks to Whalesync 🐳

Connor F

Member since 

I have tried a lot of automation tools over the last few years. Whalesync has hands-down been one of the best ones. I used Whalesync to create! Here is why I love it: 1. It's super easy to use: Even if you don't come from an automation or no-code background, I would say that Whalesync is probably the most accessible automation tool to learn. Whalesync does all the heavy lifting in terms of mapping fields, which is something that you usually have to do by yourself. They also take care of formatting data sent from one platform to another. This usually requires extra steps in other automation tools (like converting markdown to HTML). 2. It's fast. I use it primarily for Webflow to Airtable sync and the speed at which you see changes in each platform stands out. 3. It takes care of syncing automation better than anyone else. I have tried syncing workflows with tools like Parabola, Make and others, and typically there are drawbacks like the complexity of setting it up, error handling etc. When it comes to syncing, I feel like Whalesync has nailed it in all key departments. Overall, it's a great set-it-and-forget automation tool that I HIGHLY recommend. Congrats on the launch guys!

Ben S

Member since 

By far one of the best no-code tools out there. Whalesync is a must have if you're working with Webflow and Airtable!

Tem N

Member since 

I've been keeping tabs on the evolution of Whalesync and I truly believe that it has the potential to become a staple no-code app in the near future. Many don't expect how thorny data synchronization can be. Especially, two way. Especially especially, with apps with quickly evolving APIs like Airtable and Notion. In that sense, Whalesync is solving a real data problem and I'm excited to see it evolve!! @makers congrats on the launch 🚀 Hope it's a good one!

Darragh M

Member since 

Congrats on the launch. It's been incredible to see Whalesync evolve into what has to be the best way to sync between Webflow and other databases

Josse M

Member since 

Whalesync is the perfect for me to sync records between Airtable and Webflow in a carefree way. This was definitely the lifesaver of my project!

Jordana G

Member since 

Whalesync is one of the most valuable tools in my entire stack. It seamlessly connects Airtable and Postgres so I can build my own internal tools. Took me only a few minutes to set up and now syncs thousands of records every day. Excited to see Whalesync on Product Hunt today❗️❗️

Paul R

Member since 

Fantastic product! It has become, since the early access, a must-have product in my no code arsenal. Keep it awesome guys!

Adam H

Member since 

I absolutely LOVE Whalesync. We use it primarily for sync from Airtable to Webflow, so we can get our eventbrite data into one place (Eventbrite -> Airtable with Zapier) and then sync our events into multiple different websites. It's so EASY and intuitive and does everything you'd expect and need from a sync tool. The expansion into other apps is really exciting and there is no sitting still at Whalesync. Not only that Matthew came and spoke to our no-code user group about the whole sync space and his experience as a no-code founder. Fast support, game changing app and generous with time - it's a winning formula.

Corey H

Member since 

Whalesync is a game-changer. As someone who has been using it for several months, I can attest to its benefits and how it has transformed the way I manage my online business. The seamless integration between Airtable and Webflow has revolutionized the way my team works. Gone are the days when I had to manually enter data into multiple systems, waste precious time on manual updates, and struggle with keeping track of everything. Whalesync has made it all so much easier. The tool's intuitive interface and powerful features allow me to effortlessly manage my work and stay organized. It's a no-contest winner over Zapier for large data management and I genuinely cannot imagine working without it now. The team has been a joy to work with. They have excellent support. And I genuinely cannot recommend the tool enough. It's an honor to have worked with the tool since it's early days of beta and I'm excited to see how the features evolve.

Sneha S

Member since 

The best way to sync between Webflow and other databases. Amazing product! Congrats on your launch!

Fridtjof D

Member since 

Great piece of Software and also a great team.

Mustafa D

Member since 

A game changer for Airtable & Webflow lovers. We start to create MicroSAAS projects with Whalesync. Also We build an OpenAPI Integration in Airtable, we can create content in Airtable and sync with Webflow at the speed of light. (Sync is really fast)

Walker M

Member since 

I just gave Whalesync 12 out of 10 stars on Product Hunt (my personal scoring system).

Nik S

Member since 

Love Whalesync! Using it at

Micah H

Member since 

Setting up my first major Whalesync migration and really impressed with the simplicity of setup and the performance.

Matthew M

Member since 

Used it for multiple projects/clients. The ease of auto mapping, error handling, & trouble shooting logs are unrivaled in other tools, automations, & scripts I’ve tried.

Samar A

Member since 

Congratulations on the launch of Whalesync! What a great solution for quickly and easily connecting the tools you need to power your projects. Wishing you much success!

Braveen K

Member since 

Shoutout to Whalesync for making my job easier. So many game-changing use cases for content management

Iaroslav R

Member since 

Congrats on launch on PH! I use Whalesync for a year and can definitely say it improves my productivity to launch features, new hypothesis. Today I have 3 early stage products with dozens of data, which is syncing between Webflow, Airtable and PostgreSQL by Whalesync. Easy setup, detailed logging. Hope every nocode builder will use it for new or existing projects! Good luck, guys!

Derek J

Member since 

Huge props to the team Whalesync for making this magical. Design and data collection took 6 weeks. .Development took 6 hours ✨

Paul R

Member since 

Essential to my tech stack. Amazed how easy it is to implement. Works flawlessly!

Derek S

Member since 

Fantastic tool - literally saved my sanity when wiring up a bunch of frustrating sync efforts using Zapier. I'm using it on a Webflow/Airtable sync to power a 2000 url SEO site and I don't even have to think about managing that site from Airtable - it just works. Core no-code stack product now, IMO.

Aron K

Member since 

Used Whalesync to bring it into Airtable so I can bulk update and OpenAI API to provide short descriptions for each blog post. Something that would have taken a few days of work is now a few clicks, wild times.

Francois N

Member since 

Built the site in Webflow, using Airtable as a database and Whalesync for two-way data sync. Awesome nocode stack.

Devin H

Member since 

Thanks again for creating this. Wildly helpful for creating the type of tech stack we want :pray:


Member since 

Steadily growing on Instagram with little manual involvement from me. All automated with a few simple no code tools:

Walker M

Member since 

I recently built an event management app for YETI that uses Airtable as the primary database and Whalesync connects it to Webflow and Notion. It has 10 collections along with numerous formula and multi-reference fields. It will ultimately save them >$100K / year.

Walker M

Member since 

I absolutely ❤️❤️ Whalesync. That's it, that's the Tweet.

Dave R

Member since 

Had fun playing with Whalesync tonight to automatically create pages in Webflow based on Airtable for programatic SEO.

Paul R

Member since 

The product is gamechanger!

Sophia O

Member since 

I saw the email for this launch and thought "NO WAY THIS IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!" It's not and I am so freaking excited!! Wait till my team hears about this, our days of header formation nightmares and line break snafus are OVER!!

Riley B

Member since 

Honestly one of the coolest tools I've come across in a long time. This 1:1 straight sync is amazing, and so far hasn't failed.

Shane D

Member since 

You’ve got a great product and have definitely made my life easier! No need for complicated make/zapier automations thank the gods

Aron K

Member since 

My Blogging workflow about to 🚀

Brady W

Member since 

Whalesync is awesome! Programmatic SEO on Webflow simply wasn't possible (or scalable) before Whalesync. Glad this tool exists - big fan!

Christopher H

Member since 

Love it. Incredibly easy to set up and just works. Troubleshooting is a breeze too if needed.

Paul R

Member since 

Its smooth, fast, reliable.

Rakesh P

Member since 

Best tool for data sync to date.

Start syncing in minutes