How to sync Airtable and Postgres with Whalesync
Learn real-time syncing with Airtable and Postgres using Whalesync
1 min min read
Nov 9, 2022

Step-by-Step Guide
1. Create new Sync

2. Select your first app - Airtable

3. Click on Authorize

4. Paste your Base Sharing Link and Authorize

5. Authorize using Airtable OAuth

6. Select other app - Postgres

7. Click on Authorize

8. Paste connection string and change [YOUR PASSWORD] with your Project password

9. Click on Save connection

10. Start mapping your tables

11. Continue to field mapping

12. Save and Exit

13. Start Initial sync

14. Scan your records

15. Match your records if needed

16. Click on Continue

17. Activate your sync

18. Click on Activate Sync

19. Initial sync completed!

20. Let's get syncing! 🎉

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